Why you should Avoid Using Plastic Bottles

May 1, 2018 | Created by: Andreas Klippe | Comments

In my previous flood safety tips, I have repeatedly provided ways on how to protect one’s assets, homes, and loved ones from flooding. However, some people keep on asking me if I won’t directly address the root causes of climate change.

This image shows a mound of used plastic bottles.
Water bottles are one of the leading causes of environmental degradation. | photo courtesy of cloudfront.net

Since people are asking me of my opinion about the root causes of climate change, I’ll give one short comprehensive answer — we should all ditch the plastic bottle.

What the World Knows about Plastic Bottles

Search the Internet and you’ll find numerous readings on what plastic bottles are and what to do with them.

One popular source, Ban the Bottle, says water bottles can “take 400 to 1,000 years to decompose”. If that is the case, we should not wonder why our drainages are blocked and our rivers are filled with muck!

Since plastic bottles are non-biodegradable, they are one of the primary reasons behind environmental destruction.

Aside from blocking water systems (as mentioned above), they also put marine life on danger. It’s common to see dolphins and whales dying on shores around the globe — simple because they have eaten plastic bottles.

Here are more Reasons why we should Ditch Plastic Bottles

On June 28, 2017, The Guardian, published an alarming data.

A million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute and the number will jump another 20% by 2021, creating an environmental crisis some campaigners predict will be as serious as climate change.

With this rate, the world can be covered by almost half-a-trillion plastic bottles in 2021.

This image shows a blocked drainage.
Water bottles can clog sewers and drainage systems. This clogging will, in turn, result into severe flooding incidents. | photo courtesy of www.thenational.ae

In reality, plastic bottles can be recycled. However, most people prefer the easy solution; they prefer to throw these plastic bottles instead of going into the nitty gritty of recycling them.

Indeed, Ban the Bottle says only one out of five plastic bottles are recycled. The rest are improperly disposed.

Where exactly do these “improperly disposed” plastic bottles end up? According to the same news report cited above (from The Guardian), they end up in landfills and oceans.

As a result, the marine products that we eat are possibly contaminated by plastic wastes.

Aha! Plastic isn’t just a hazard to marine life forms; they are also a hazard to human beings! Take note, we are slowly being poisoned by plastic through consumption, and we are not aware of it!

How to completely ditch plastic bottles

The Guardian, in another issue, suggested ways on how to avoid using plastic bottles. If we cannot completely get plastic bottles out of the picture, then work hard to minimize their use!

Reuse at least one plastic bottle. These days, because plastic bottles are mass produced, they are commonly of low quality. They are thin and they usually become soggy after use. However, there is always one brand that is sturdy and is fit for recycling.

Using a plastic bottle more than once is a step towards zero-waste living.

Another way is to look for firms that recycle plastic bottles. Companies that recycle used plastic exist, all we have to do is to search for them.

If the second alternative is to tasky for you, then, be creative and reuse plastic bottles in more than one way. They can be remodeled as home decorations, plant and flower vases, and even pencil holders.

See, at the end of the day, it’s creativity that matters. After all, plastic bottles are mere human creation. We must not let them overrun the earth we live. Instead, use more creative energy to deal with these hazards!

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