West-Australia starts the new year with a flood
January 14, 2023 | Created by: Andreas Klippe | Comments

As the new year entered, Western Australia experienced a severe flood in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, caused by a severe weather system named Ellie, which brought heavy rain to the area. The flooding is being described as a “once in a century” event and the worst in the state’s history. Military helicopters are being used to airlift people from communities that have become cut off by the floods. The water has covered vast areas, with some flood waters stretching for 50 kilometers.
It is important to note that while this flood may be considered a “once in a century” event, we cannot assume that it will not happen again in the near future. Climate change is causing an increase in extreme weather events, such as heavy rain and flooding, and it is important to be prepared for the possibility of future floods.
To prepare for future floods, it is important for government officials to not only focus on clean-up and repair efforts, but also to implement programs to better prepare communities and individuals. Businesses and public leaders should also take steps to protect their facilities, while house owners should take measures to protect their homes. Architects and engineers should also consider designing buildings with flood protection in mind, taking into account the potential for increased flooding due to climate change.

It is important to consider the installation of flood barriers for homes, buildings, establishments, and critical infrastructures as a means of protection against future floods. Flood barriers are designed to act as a barrier to keep water out of a specific area, such as a home or building.
There are several different types of flood barriers available, including permanent barriers, which are installed permanently and can be used to protect against both river and coastal flooding, and portable barriers, which can be set up quickly in case of an imminent flood threat.