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100 % success – German tech flood barriers save whole village

October 16, 2020 | Created by: Andreas Klippe | Comments

With worsening climate change, a heavy downpour can submerge an entire village. In Glarus Süd, Switzerland, one simple heavy rain nearly flooded the area.

When beauty turns to Beast

Nature has provided man with gifts that often bring him joy and tranquility. Most people would opt to live in serene woodlands, others in the hinterlands, while others still, near waterways like rivers and lakes.

Diesbach River is one of these natural wonders that the local folks enjoy due to its pristine waters that remain calm during the dry season. The river got its name from the same village where it is found; Diesbach Village in Glarus Süd, Switzerland.

In contrast, Diesbach River turns into a roaring monster during heavy torrential downpours as it swells and endangers the community with flooding. This is the story of how the raging river was tamed by German technology flood protection.

The village of Diesbach sits on one of the Linth River tributaries, making it prone to sudden onsets of flash floods during heavy downpours.

It is even made worse by the sloped terrain of Glarus Süd’s valleys. Even with a light rainfall, low-lying areas can expect floods.

These and other aggravating circumstances contributed to an experience that the people of Diesbach would never forget; an experience that nearly crushed their lives if not for the early intervention of emergency workers and flood protection experts.

Taming the beast

The rain was hard and ceaseless for days. The rapid swell of the Diesbach River on that 3rd of October 2020 prompted the villagers to evacuate as a precautionary measure. Then, the timely intervention of flood protection experts came into play. Swiftly, they installed a protective wall of RS DEMOUNTABLE FLOOD PROTECTION BARRIERS to contain the rising waters.

According to the Chief of Staff of Glarus Süd, “The rapid intervention of the emergency services and the ready flood protection barriers prevented the worst that could have come. About a quarter of an hour later we couldn’t have stopped the stream. The emergency services acted quickly and correctly.”

Flood Barriers are modern solutions to avoid flooding. Just like this one along the Diesbach river that protected the village from overflowing.

Like the local leaders of Glarus Süd, more and more decision-makers worldwide are turning their attention to these wonder-solutions; RS FLOOD CONTROL BARRIERS which carry the
world renowned seal of quality German technology.

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