Protect your Expensive Generators!

March 2, 2018 | Created by: Andreas Klippe | Comments

Generators are an expensive piece of equipment. They are the back-up power supplies for any kind of establishments, whether for home use or for business. They provide power to the house if a power failure occurs to allow continued operation of an industrial site.

Big generators located at the plants or commercial establishments

Purchasing a generator is a wise investment for hotels, hospitals, shopping malls, big factories and even homes as a backup power in case of failure. Uninterrupted power is vital for the industrial plants.

Are there various types of generators?

There are different kinds of generators depending on the needs of the owner. Mostly, the portable type is used where access to the main power is difficult. This type is the recreational and residential generator (intended for home use). The inverter type uses gasoline to run and is very quiet.

Small portable generators for homes | photo courtesy of

The construction and industrial generators are for large operations like construction or building use. They can be run by either gasoline or diesel. The big buildings commonly use diesel for their generators. These big heavy generators can cost up to hundreds of thousands of pesos, so protecting it is a must.

Generator runs on fossil fuels so they need ventilation. Typically they are situated outside the building or inside the basement attached with a ventilation shaft going outside.

However, what happens when floodwater hits the generators?

Protect your investment!

Like any other equipment, a generator can be damaged. This expensive piece of equipment will become a very expensive paper weight. Replacement parts must be ordered to keep it running, wasting more money down the drain.

Generator rooms being protected by flood control barriers from floods

What if there is a way to protect your generator from the flood? RS demountable flood control barriers offer the perfect solution to the problem.

They barricade the equipment with durable aluminum panels to prevent floodwater from damaging your generators. They also provide space for ventilation. The panels are made of reinforced aluminum with an H-shaped beam inside for more strength and stability. This is accompanied with corrosion resistant steel side channels for more stable foundation.

German-Engineered and Built to Last!

They are German-engineered to withstand extreme water pressure and large debris that flow with the flood. Certified by FM Global, a US-based insurance firm that specializes in certifying disaster-resistant products. With these two features, you know that the barriers are the best in the world.

FM Global certified the durability of RS flood control barriers

They are easily assembled by even one person, but two is preferred for a quicker set up. They are lightweight and can be stored immediately once the flood has receded. The rubber seals keep the barriers leak proof. Composed of heavy duty rubber that is treated to prevent degradation, the barriers can last for years.

Another advantage is the barriers are virtually maintenance free.

Flood specialists put up a flood control barrier in a residence.

Now the summer season is here. This will be a good time to build the flood control barriers while it is dry. Come the rainy season, there is no telling if the floodwater can go higher than the previous years’.

Now that you’ve bought your generator, you need to protect it from whatever damage — whether man-made or natural. Share your opinion here!

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