Here’s a Proof that Global Warming is Affecting our Weather
March 5, 2018 | Created by: Andreas Klippe | Comments
Here’s an interesting report from CBC News, posted online on February 14, 2018.
If further proof is needed to convince you that climate change is real, you need to go to Saskatchewan, Canada, where global warming has increased the changes from flooding to drought conditions.

The place possesses unique weather conditions which quantifies during climate change. The swings indicate that drought and flood cycles are more severe than any other place on earth.
There dry and wet cycles are increasing tenfold when climate change is present. This means much drier season and more severe floods are expected during the wet cycle.
The change in the weather is affecting the water basin from where it gets its supply. It needs the water during the drought years and a catch basin when there is too much rain. In fact, the Saskatchewan’s waterways flow into North Dakota and Manitoba. The Manitoba premier often blames agricultural and wetland drainage for some of its flooding.
Is there an option to save the planet?
Several discussion have been made to build climate change-resilient infrastructure which are capable of withstanding extreme conditions. Other solutions are being explored like managing the wetlands to control to floods and as a source of water during drought.

Another report by CBC News said that draining the wetlands for commercial purposes is not ideal, especially in these climate change times. They serve as a catch basin for the floods and provide sanctuary for a wide diversity of plant and animal life.
They also act as a filter against contaminants from the agricultural lands to the freshwater reservoirs. When fertilizers runoff goes thru the wetlands, the neutralizing effects absorbed the runoff and slow process of the various roots of plants remove it. By the time it reaches the fresh water basin, there isn’t enough fertilizer runoff to trigger an algae bloom in the water.

They happen to be the most productive ecosystems in the world. Migratory birds use the wetlands as a way station to migrate to other parts in the world and fishes use the underwater root system to hide from predators.
The most important aspect of the wetlands is they absorbed the carbon from the atmosphere. They break down organic materials very slowly and without oxygen thereby not releasing the carbon gases. Because of the low pH balance, it takes a long time plants to decay and resulting carbon goes straight to the soil.

The wetlands have been there long before the humankind came into existence and they are part of the ecosystem. Draining them will destroy the environment and release more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. It is best to leave mother nature alone.
Do you agree that global warming is amplifying flooding incidents? Share your answer here.