How to Buy Flood Barriers on a Tight Budget
February 23, 2018 | Created by: Andreas Klippe | Comments
The company you’re working ask you to find a flood control barrier for their site. You were given the needs of the company and a budget to go with it.

Since it is a new company, money is very tight. Finding a suitable barrier for your company would be a great opportunity for you.
So, how to find the right flood barrier on a tight budget?
- The first thing is to browse around either thru inquiries in the web or thru legwork. Find out the specifications of the barriers whether if will fulfill the needs of the company.
- Then canvass the cost of the barriers. Will it fit the budget? Check for any hidden fees if any. Everything should be above board and transparent.
- Talk to the manufacturer or representative of the flood control barrier company. Check the background of the company. Its track record on previous customers who have installed their products if they are satisfied.
- Check out the durability of the flood control barrier materials and certificates of standards of reputable standards authority.
- If possible, minimize the costs of the barriers by choosing only the key sites of ingress and egress and where the backup generators are located.
- Get a price quotation how much it will cost to install the product at the company site.
- If possible, ask if they have a promotion discount. Make sure that the promo package includes all the components of the flood barrier.
- Always plan for contingency measures, in case it goes over budget. It will save you a lot of headaches in the long run.
- Purchasing when off-season is a good idea to save.
- Ask for warranty if included in the package.
Finding the right barrier on a tight budget should not be any problem. Especially when the rainy season is over. Once the season have pass, some companies will offer discounts because it is the right time to build.
Meeting with the Representative
Have a meeting with the representative and discuss the details of the proposed project. Inquire the price and time to complete it. Request for a field test of the barrier to see if it performs as advertised. Should the price is within the budget, bring them to inspect the site and ask for an estimate.
Once you have found the right flood control barrier for your company. It is best to prepare a proposal report to the head office if they approve it. It should have an itemized costs to purchase the barrier, who will install it and the estimated time when it will be completed.
Approval of the Project
When approved, it will be your responsibility to oversee its completion. Upon completion inspect the product if it is working to specifications. If not ask for a replacement.
Now the project have been completed and within budget, here’s hoping it will not be needed when a major weather disturbance hits the company site. If it does, at least there is already a protection against the flooding saving the company from lost man hours and damaged equipments.
Now, you know!
Follow these tips to find the right flood control barrier then you will achieve your goal fitting the project into budget. It will save the company from flood damage repairs and loss of income. Should you have any tips on buying flood control barriers on a tight budget please leave a comment below.