4th Quarter Asia Weather Recap (2021) – How Has Asia’s Condition Been?

December 30, 2021 | Created by: Andreas Klippe | Comments

4th quarter Asia weather

The year end is approaching, and there’s no question that 2021 has been a tough one to Asia not only owing to COVID-19 outbreak, but due to dangerous floods as well. The 1st2nd, and 3rd quarter are witnesses to this. Unfortunately, this last quarter is not an exception. Here’s the 4th quarter Asia weather recap to know why.    

4th Quarter Weather Recap

October 2021

(Top Left) The Yellow River near the Lianbo Village in Hejin City overflows; (Top Right) Members of the Philippine Coast Guard rescue the residents of Sitio Lada, Barangay Pangobilian, Brooke's Point, Palawan; (Bottom Left) Cars at a hotel resort are submerged in floodwater. (Bottom Right) An employee of a flooded domestic airport pulls a trolley through the floodwater, 4th quarter Asia weather
 (Top Left) The Yellow River near the Lianbo Village in Hejin City overflows; (Top Right) Members of the Philippine Coast Guard rescue the residents of Sitio Lada, Barangay Pangobilian, Brooke’s Point, Palawan; (Bottom Left) Cars at a hotel resort are submerged in floodwater. (Bottom Right) An employee of a flooded domestic airport pulls a trolley through the floodwater.


Incessant rain caused flooding in Shanxi Province of north China. As of October 10, over 120,000 people had been forced to relocate to safer places. For the whole month, the flooding affected 1.75 million people and triggered the collapse of at least 19,500 houses. 


Tropical storm Maring (international name: Kompasu) enhanced the southwest monsoon on October 12. It affected the northern Philippines, prompting flash flooding and leaving casualties.


Rivers overflowed due to downpours in southern Kerala State (south-western India) on October 16. The overflow caused flooding, which brought about the death of 27 people. Two of the most affected districts in Kerala state were Kottayam and Idukki.


From October 16-18, heavy rain triggered flooding in Nepal. It greatly affected some districts in Sudurpaschim Province (western Nepal). Disaster authorities actually reported that a large number of people were either dead or missing. 

(Left) People walk through the floodwater in Sri Lanka; (Middle) Residents in Quang An Commune, Vietnam receive aid packages from volunteers; (Right) People wade through a flooded sea port on the coast of Jakarta, Indonesia, 4th quarter Asia weather
(Left) People walk through the floodwater in Sri Lanka; (Middle) Residents in Quang An Commune, Vietnam receive aid packages from volunteers; (Right) People wade through a flooded sea port on the coast of Jakarta, Indonesia


The heavy rain that started on October 29 and lasted for more than a week caused floods in surrounding villages of the Demodara Reservoir and other areas.​​ Over 5,000 people had to leave their homes and relocate to their relatives’ houses or in government-run relief centers. Moreover, at least 16 people lost their lives. 


Downpours had affected central areas of Vietnam, particularly Quang Ngai and Quang Nam since October 22Thousands were evacuated and 3 people died due to the flooding that the heavy rains brought.


The ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Center) reported that heavy rain had been hitting parts of Indonesia since October 29. Thus, flooding occurred and resulted in damage.

November 2021

These people are walking in floodwater, 4th quarter Asia weather
These people are walking in floodwater.


Incessant rain and flooding in the state of Tamil Nadu, southern India had led to death and displacement. Thousands of people had to be displaced and 14 departed this life. 

December 2021

Residents in Cagayan de Oro City are evacuated from their flooded houses by the members of the Philippine Coast Guard.


On December 16, typhoon Odette (international name: Rai) made landfall in the country. It prompted downpours and flooding that caused thousands of people to evacuate from their homes and 58 to pass away. The number of affected families actually reached 452,307. This aftermath made people consider Odette as “one of the strongest storms” of 2021.

Dangerous Floods Here, There, Everywhere

Evidently, this 4th quarter Asia weather recap signifies that even the last quarter of 2021 didn’t exempt Asians from the danger of floods. Could 2022 be different? It could, or it could remain the same. Flooding is becoming more and more common and climate change is worsening, so it’s out of the question to not consider a flood barrier against it. 

If you want to start your 2022 with the right flood protection, look no further, because here are the TOP 14 RS Flood Barriers that could fit your property’s topography, location, and surroundings.

(Top, L-R) RS Heavy-Duty Swing-Hinged Flood Gates, RS Glass-Paneled Flood Barriers, RS 4-Sided Sealed Flood Doors, INERO™ Mobile Flood Barriers 
(Bottom, L-R) RS Lift-Hinged Flood Gates, RS Demountable Flood Barriers, RS Swing-Hinged Flood Doors, RS Window-Cover Flood Barriers
(Top, L-R)Anhamm Automatic Flood Barriers®, RS Drop-Down Flood Barriers, RS Pivot-Hinged Barriers, 
(Bottom, L-R) Self-Closing Flood Barriers SCFB®, RS Sliding Flood Gates, RS Flip-Up Flood Barriers

Why do you need to choose from these barriers? Aside from the fact that they are easy to operate, they have the following qualities:

  1. Sturdy Material (stainless steel, hot-dipped galvanized steel, or lightweight marine-grade aluminum)
  2. Durable Seal (Polyethylene Membrane, Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer, or Polytetrafluoroethylene)
  3. Excellent Quality (Made in Germany, Made in Sweden, or Made in the Netherlands)
  4. Reassuring Lifespan (50-100 years)

For better visualization of these 14 RS Flood Barriers, click the “WATCH THE VIDEO” button below.

To know the barriers in detail, the RS Flood Experts are ready to be of help. Just click the “BOOK A MEETING FOR FREE” button.

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