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2021 Bucket List of Safety

December 29, 2020 | Created by: Andreas Klippe | Comments

The year 2021 is just around the corner. At the end of every year, it is a common practice by most to create a bucket list for the following year. A bucket list is a list of items that someone would like to do for the next year or the succeeding years. Some of the most common items on bucket lists are: 1) experience the Northern Lights, 2) go on a week-long cruise, 3) visit the eight wonders of the world, 4) establish a healthy work-life balance, and 5) go vegan.

However, the difficult times we experienced in the year 2020 should motivate us into thinking that we also need to create a “Safety Bucket List” for the year 2021. This year has given us a series of difficult events that shook and changed the course of our lives. The Australian Bushfire, the devastating storms and floods in Asian countries, the volcanic eruption in the Philippines, the earthquakes from different parts of the world, the Locust Swarms in some parts of Asia and Africa, the Cyclone Amphan in India & Bangladesh, and of course, the COVID-19 are some of the major catastrophic events that unfolded this year. Though we have overcome this year despite the difficulty, it is still important that we prepare ourselves for the year ahead. So instead of just writing activities that we want to experience, we should also write for items that can ensure our safety for the year 2021. 

Here are some of the items we have to include in our bucket list.


The year 2020 indeed tested our physical and mental health. When the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) hit the world, everyone’s health hung in the balance. Though the World Health Organization (WHO) said that those who are older than 60 and those with existing health conditions are the most prone to the virus, we clearly saw that even the younger people were affected by the disease. It is important to highlight here that young or old, we can be prone to any infections or disease if we do not keep our bodies healthy. Aside from keeping our bodies healthy, we must also keep our minds healthy. Remember that having a healthy mind is as important as having a healthy body. 

When we are healthy, mentally and physically,  we are able to face many more challenges head on. We can be safer from diseases and we can accomplish more tasks for ourselves and our families. 

Some of the tips to boost our health so we can continue getting through the difficult times are:

  1. Getting enough sleep
  2. Eating healthy
  3. Lessening or avoiding other unhealthy lifestyle
  4. Improving mental health
Having a healthy mind is as important as having a healthy body


This year as well, the financial capability of people were tested. As many non-essential businesses were closed down, many companies were left with no choice but to retrench. The retrenchment caused many of the employees to be terminated from their jobs. Some people got through by using their savings or emergency funds. Unfortunately, not all people were able to save enough for the rainy days and really had to find ways to survive. There were stories of teachers becoming vendors and office workers becoming food couriers. Good thing, the local and national government units of many countries were able to provide financial assistance to the people affected.

For 2021, we have to make sure that we are more secured for the rainy days. The 50/30/20 Rule of the Thumb suggests that we have to allot 20 % of our salaries to our savings and debt (if you have). The other 50 % can be spent on needs like housing, utilities and groceries. The remaining 30 % can be spent on our wants like shopping or dining out.

The rule for budgeting

Being prepared financially can give us an assurance that we can be safe from worry and other money-related stress.


In the midst of difficult times, one of our refuge is our homes. It is relatively one of the safest places on earth for each of us. It is our comfort zone, it is our place of retreat in the war zone we are in. Unfortunately for some, their homes became a part of the battlefield.

Aside from COVID-19, the most prominent headline in newspapers in 2020 are the devastating flooding situations in some parts of Asia. Pictures of people in Indonesia and the Philippines climbing to the top of their roofs can be seen circulating on the internet. A cyclone also hit some countries namely, India and Bangladesh. This super cyclone, named internationally as Amphan, devastated houses, uprooted trees, and damaged crops in both countries. It also flooded and destroyed Asia’s largest street market for books in Kolkata, India. 

As the Climate Change worsens, we can expect more intense rainfall and flooding in many countries. For the past decades, many people have been protecting their areas with rock beams, rock rip-raps, and sand bags. Other methods that are already considered antique like planting vegetation to retain excess water, terrace slope to reduce slope flow, or construction of dykes are also followed by some communities. 

However, some of these methods do not really make sense when we talk about flood-protecting our homes. Most flood-protection examples that I cited above are used to protect the community. Though we probably can rely on these flood-control techniques to secure our community, it is still better if we can flood-protect our own homes whenever we are capable.

One of the best flood-control techniques for houses is the use of flood barriers. Flood barriers are structures that are set up around an area or on the entrance of a house of property. These flood barriers were manufactured first in Germany in 1990. The technology is made of lightweight marine-grade aluminum, hot dipped-galvanized or stainless steel. These barriers are made to last for many years, can be up to 50 years, and are designed to resist extreme weather conditions. They can cover the areas or entrances of your property that are most likely to be flooded. 

Using flood barriers can help us be safe from natural disasters that can claim our lives or can destroy properties. 

Make sure that flood-protecting your homes is one of the items in your Safety Bucket List

We are living in very uncertain times and who knows what misfortune or calamity may surprise us in 2021. The year 2020 has shown us that if we let our guards down, we let danger take us down. We have to stay vigilant and prioritize our safety and our family’s safety in the uncertain times ahead. 

Stay healthy.
Prepare financially.
Flood-protect your homes.

To learn more about the latest flood protection technology, subscribe now to our Flood Expert Tips (IF YOU HAVEN’T YET!).
Stay safe and flood free.

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